20 September 2012

Films openings 2

Touch of Evil
Orson Wells

Bomb into car. Camera on crane on van, one smooth continous shot. Music overlapping - diegetic - from the shops. Car is always there. Meet the hero walking. camera never stops At the border. Sucessful  cop Vagus. Then the car explodes, bit unrealistic....

Steven Spielburg

Shot throught the seabed. The iconic 'shark' music.
Quite calm, sunset. Camera and music from shark perspective. (subjective camera)
Sudden stop- back to calm.

Film openings.

Hey this is the third week of my media course and this is the pratical blog
We've been looking the types of camera angles and shots; film openings of Citizen Kane and Back To The Future, Sunset Boulevard, Hot Fuzz and Ferris Bueler's Day Off, and made notes on some of them. Also we have been looking at pictures and coming up with what films it could have been from. (They were just pictures and weren't from any film.) We looked at the imagery that film soundtracks alone can create.

Notes on the film openings:
Citizen Kane
1941, Directed by Orson Wells, who also directed a Touch of Evil. Citisen Kane was his first film.
Loosley based on Randolf Hertz. (The Rupert Murdoch of his time.)
All one smooth shot, starts off at the gate. "No Trepassing", always dissolves into the next shot, getting near and near, each time this lit window is in the same place, it's quite expensive and extensive; there's a bear garden, private lake, golf course and a private zoo. Sudden stop of music, and the lit window goes out. Fades into the room. Snow globe. Very dark both character's faces are in shadow, (low-key lighting). Snow globe is dropped shot from within the snowglobe when the 'nurse' comes in fades to the outside again.

Back To The Future
1985, directed by Robert Zemeckis, produced by Speilburg.
Ticking is the first thing you hear, then the clocks come into view, lots of clocks ticking in time with each other. Breakfast sounds, unmade bed, person isn't there. When the dog can is opened by invention. (A scienist of some sort?) shots of over full dog bowl, haven't been there for some days. Drawn towards the TV, about theft. Tuning huge amp! Overloaded, clocks chime togeher 25 imns late.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
John Hughes
Radio and weather.
 Estabiling shots. Parents being all 'soppy'. sister annoyed he got away with it
Space rocket when his parents leave, and a music montage
 Breaks the fourth wall.

Hot Fuzz
Edgar Wright
Police seriens right from the start, the evolution of them.
Siloette, walking to camera. Information about his carrer.
Voice-over: Self-centred, only talking about himself, talking so fast, that it's hard to keep up with everything he says.
Sudden stop